Attorney | Digital Media Marketing Expert
You have selected the best social platforms for your brand (yes, your law firm is a brand), developed a plan and devoted time for client development, sharing your legal knowledge and building loyalty. How do you determine if your social media marketing plan is successfully working for your law firm? In the early stages of…
Law firm marketing, like all professional services marketing, is in the midst of a digital revolution. Traditional techniques for generating leads, cultivating prospects, and making connections are becoming less and less effective. Today, many law firms are being found and vetted online. Technology, your potential client’s immediate expectations, and changing demographics are driving professional services…
You’ve probably heard by now that Social Media is an marketing avenue that lawyers can no longer avoid. From Facebook to LinkedIn, Google+ to Twitter, using social networks to enhance your reputation, build your practice, and strengthen existing professional relationships is a fact of biz dev life for the rainmaking lawyer. But, like many attorneys,…
California lawyers: Are you in need of filling 1 of your 4 hours of Ethics MCLE requirements? Tired of hearing about substance abuse and commingling funds? We’ve got your back. Attorney and MCLE presenter Kristen Marquis will provide your law firm with an educational, interactive, and informative one hour of Legal Ethics credit while discussing…
Depending on your area[s] of practice, Twitter can be one of the most effective online business development tools for a busy lawyer. It’s also it’s own kind of social networking site. One that requires time, give and take, and consistency. In other words, Twitter is not a billboard. It is a two-way street of retweets,…
Kristen Marquis, attorney at law and founder of WebPresence, Esq. is often asked to speak at law firm retreats and at CLE seminars on the topic of social media ethics for lawyers (her area of expertise). In this fun radio interview with Miranda McCroskey of Lawpreneur Radio, Kristen and Miranda discuss Kristen’s path to social…
Kristen Marquis Dennis, Attorney at Law and founder of WebPresence, Esq., recently wrote an article on Social Media Ethics for Lawyers for the State Bar of California’s Continuing Education of the Bar (CEB) program. The article, which can be found in the California Business Law Practitioner, Summer 2014 edition, discusses the ethical ins and outs…
Lately, there’s been a bunch of noise about dangers of “ghostwritten” legal blogs. Apparently, no one is safe and practicing attorneys are supposed to stop focusing on their practice to take time out to write informational, educational blog posts, engage on social media, and otherwise not bill out for their time. After weeks of reading…
Need of few of those hard-to-get Legal Ethics MCLE credits? Interested in learning how to use social media to increase your web presence, grow your law practice, and become a go-to resource for media, potential clients, and other attorneys? Well have we got the perfect solution for you: an online webinar discussing social media for…
You’ve spent thousands of dollars creating a new website and it’s not bringing you any new business. You’re probably frustrated and ready to give up on the whole “building your online presence” thing. But before you do, call us for a free website consultation or review these tips for SEO mistakes to avoid (or do…