Santa Monica Bar Association Presents: Winning Trial Strategies & Techniques

Join co-sponsor WebPresence, Esq. as we build new professional relationships and strengthen old ones at the Santa Monica Bar Association’s upcoming event. And earn 2/5 hours of MCLE credits in the process! Any questions about reserving your space, please do not hesitate to contact us. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with legal professionals in the…

Social Networking Statistics: The Who, What, Where, Why of Social Media for Law Firm Business Development

Ever wonder who’s really using the various Social Networking sites; such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter? We thought so. As you can see, it’s not just tweens. In fact, isn’t time your law firm is reaching your target audience (30 – 55 year olds)? WebPresence, Esq. is a cutting-edge Web Presence Management company built by…

Google Plans to Penalize Over-Optimizers

Are you over-optimzing? Probably. Many “legal markerters” promise results to clients, lawyers just like you, with blog posts that are over-linked and ‘over-optimized.’  According to Google, the world’s largest search engine, such behavior will land your law firm’s website in the dugout: Google is working on a search ranking penalty for sites that are “over-optimized”…

Legal Blogs for Business Development

Still questioning the impact of Social Media, specifically a ethically-sound, informative blog on your legal practice?  Wonder no more… According to Hubspot’s The 2012 State of Inbound Marketing, blogs and LinkedIn (a fabulous tool for disseminating your blog posts) are the top two online media accounts for generating new business.  The report shows that 57% of companies with a…